When Amma Wills it……………….. Snowflake after snowflake bombarded from the skies above. I looked to the picture of Amma and asked Her had she not tested me enough? It was the night prior to our departure to Dearborn. A few hours ago; we received a phone call from another satsang member offering us a room […]

6 Dec 2007 My trust with intellectual spirituality ended the day I was first blessed with a darshan of Amma – then began the blessed period of experiential spirituality. Everyday she makes sure I see Her /feel Her presence – as though telling me that She is always there with me [and surely with each […]

Recently we all visited Holy Mount Arunachala and set out on Giriprakhsina. In our group, the one person who walked effortlessly more than half the distance and still ready to go on was our Kakki ( aunt ). To me this is a miracle. Kakki who is now 70 plus, has been a heart patient […]

A following in the foothills 12:01 a.m. PT Jul 28, 2007 “I feel I have found my path in life and my purpose in life. My close friends see the change in me. It feels like coming home.” – Elyse Warner, devotee of Indian holy woman Amma famous Indian religious figures have followers in Nevada […]

Blessed Mother, Great and Holy One Hear your daughter Give me guidance in the turmoil of daily life Show me how to be more understanding of others Open your arms and embrace me Teach me to embrace others inspite of their faults as you have me Guide me in teaching others tolerance and love for […]

amma stayed in the school building in kodungallur. after the morning darshan she stayed in the ashram building which is at the program site. the ashram building has only 3 small rooms. kodungalllur is the first brahmasthanam temple established by Amma. kodungallur is also home to the first amrita vidyalayam. it was nice to see […]

I recall 13 years ago in Seattle, my three year old daughter and I were granted an unexpected darshan with Amma. It was our second opportunity to meet with this inspiring Saint from India named “Amma”. However, when we arrived late at the Church of Truth that Monday evening, the hall was filled to capacity […]

Just returned home after my 1st retreat w/ Amma in San Ramon. It is very challenging to come back into the world and I miss Amma and the community of peace and love that surrounds Amma. Grateful without measure and no real way to articulate all the love and grace yet. Thank you. Om Namah […]

We all got ready to visit the San Ramon ashram early Sunday morning. When we reached there we were surprised to see a long line for Darshan tokens. Amazing that on the first day of public Darshan so many people both old-timers and many new faces had come. When Amma enetered the Hall at 10:00am […]