19 May 2011, Amritapuri It is that time of the year… when Amma gives room darshan. Before taking off on Her world tour, Amma meets all the ashramites from Amritapuri and all branch ashrams, individually in her room. As one family finishes, she rings a bell and another walks in … one after another… Today […]
The story about the crow who put stones into the pot half filled with water, till the level of water rose enough for it to drink. These are Amma’s satsangs – who likens the story of the water and the crow to that ‘something’ that is already in you but needs effort – the stones […]
8 April 2011 – Ernakulam The Brahmasthanam area is abuzz with devotees, most of them are young and in uniforms – Amma’s college students from Ernakulam. Whether it is their love for Amma or Amma’s love for them, the scriptures have said in no uncertain terms, “Even a moment’s association with a mahatma can confer […]
Some people become devotees because of a strong devotional connection that gets built between them and their Guru or God. Some become spiritual in their beliefs and ideals because of the elevated words of wisdom and knowledge that they find in sacred texts or hear from their Guru. A smaller number have the rare Grace […]
It doesn’t matter whether the three dimensions are length, breadth and width as some say, or matter, time and space. We can discern the emergence of the fifth dimension, in the bigger world of Amma. It is so, now in Pune, at the end of program of Mar 2 and 3. In Pune, the cultural […]
I remember a point in my life when I was about 20 when I realized that the laughter and innocent joy so often present through my youth was appearing less and less in my life. It seems like those days of magic and unlimited possibilities were far behind me. I remember with sadness that I […]
Our accommodation at Tuticorin was in one of Amma’s new schools, still under construction. It was quite clean and comfortable. The local hardworking and sweet devotees provided a constant supply of chai and delicious, non-spicy meals for the Western palate. However, neither the electrical nor the water supply could cope with the demands of our […]
This happened a couple of weeks back. I was mentioning to some of my brothers at the ashram that in the 10 years since meeting Amma, She had not given me a fruit on any of the darshans that I had in all these years. More than mentioning it was a kind of complaining that […]
My celebration of Christmas began on the beach in the late afternoon of December 24th. The waves were rushing to the shore reverberating against the rocks. The sea breeze cooled us. Eagles circled overhead. Several hundred devotees were sitting around Amma under the palms; cross-legged on the sand before her, perched on chairs and leaning […]