One of the joys of the Europe tour is the glimpses of the unique and beautiful culture of each country. Each country has its unique way of welcoming Amma. Munich is always one of the most stunning. In Munich, Amma stays in a room on the second story of the venue and comes and goes […]
Berlin- The Europe Tour 2012 started in Berlin, a city of deep historical and cultural roots and associations. For many years, the Berliners came to Amma, asking her in heartfelt and humorous ways to come to their city. (news) One memorable year, a six footer dressed as a bear danced up to Amma during darshan […]
This Amma season in Amritapuri was much more than what i wrote last time. Last Tuesday, from the memorable quick darshan, in which Amma didn’t miss to see each one in the eye and whisper our exclusive love code word in our ears, up to the Prasad distribution was one flow of the grace. Next […]
On the morning of Amma’s 59th Birthday tens of thousands of people surged into the great hall that was constructed for the occasion on the Amrita University grounds across from Amritapuri. This outdoor venue consisted of an enormous tin roof the size of two big football fields. Flowers of all colors adorned the length of […]
The experienced devotees watch for signs: a stirring among the musicians, gathering of cameramen, a flurry at the sound system…the intent and intense begin to jockey for position, the closer the better. Unfortunately, this usually leads to the same savvy and experienced folks scoring the “best” spots near Amma at practically every venue. However, Amma […]
The lush farmland of Northern Illinois glowed hazily in the slanting light of the setting sun as we drove from our hotel to the M.A. Center of Chicago. Tonight, June 30, 2012, the Center, located in rural Elburn, was being officially inaugurated by Amma and the Honorable Patrick Quinn, Govenour of Illinois as well as […]
All year long they wait. Devotees from the Southwest and others from all over the country and abroad who have heard about, or experienced the magic of Amma in New Mexico, (whose state motto is “Land of Enchantment”), wait for those few days in June when Amma arrives. However, the devotees don’t just wait. They […]
We were “Sleepless in Seattle,” but not like the popular film of the ‘90’s by that name. We were mostly “sleepless” with Amma in Seattle as she launched the 2012 North American Tour- the commencement of 7 weeks of a grand celebration and spiritual festival. The program was located at the Bellevue Hyatt Regency, a […]
29 May 2012, Tokyo, Japan On the first day of Amma’s Tokyo program (May 27th), the crowd was bigger than in the past. Amma sang ‘Bandalo Bandalo’ bhajan at the end of the first day program and she requested every one to do the patty cake. The Japanese people generally are very quiet and humble. […]