We were “Sleepless in Seattle,” but not like the popular film of the ‘90’s by that name.  We were mostly “sleepless” with Amma in Seattle as she launched the 2012 North American Tour- the commencement of 7 weeks of a grand celebration and spiritual festival.  The program was located at the Bellevue Hyatt Regency, a comfortable and spacious venue in the heart of Seattle techie land.  Right across the street, Microsoft was also in the process of launching its new Windows program, but as far reaching as Microsoft’s influence may be, could it hold a candle to the “program” that Amma was launching?  Her “program” transforms and purifies our minds and actions to the great benefit of ourselves and society.

The tour staff and regional helpers set about to transform the Grand Ballroom into a darshan hall/temple/bookstore/information center, media center and more.  By midnight, the ballroom had been transformed into a beautiful multi-tasking space.  The hallway outside the ballroom had become a snack bar/Green Friends venue  and multi-media Embracing the World exhibit.  Another ballroom became the dining room, and the kitchen staff took over part of the hotel kitchen and began whipping up tasty deserts and nourishing meals.
In his satsang the first night of the program, Ramakrishna Swami told a story of a science lesson given to young student by his teacher.  The teacher held up a glass full to the brim with pebbles and asked if it was full.  The student said that it was.  Then the teacher poured sand into the glass which filled up the spaces between the pebbles and again asked if the glass was full.  Again the student said that it was full.  Next the teacher poured water into the glass, which soaked into the sand and took up more space.  The student again had to say that the glass was full.  Just as the glass was originally “full”, yet more and more could be added to it; Amma’s life seems full to us, without space for even one more activity, yet keeps expanding.  So, Swami Ramakrishna explained, we all have more time than we think we have.  Our mind can be more expansive and any situation can be overcome.  Amma has infinite mental expansiveness and that is why, although her life seems full to the brim, she can always fit more into it in beautiful and creative ways.

I thought back to the transformation of the space of the hotel into a comfortable, efficient and multi-functioning Amma world in a short period of time.  Amma has taught us so much about how to work fast and efficiently, to share and adjust with each other, and how to use time, space and money to the maximum benefit.  Amma often says that her life is her teaching.  As we observe her life and try to emulate even one of her good qualities, we are slowly being transformed, and the tours certainly show the fruit of that effort.
Darshan on that first public day of the program went late as Amma met a string of new people and old devotees who could not come to the retreat.  We attendees were also having a reunion as friends met who had not seen each other for a year or more.  I saw many old friends from Seattle and other parts of the world, as well as my “homies” from Amritapuri and other friends from the New Mexico satsang who couldn’t wait to see Amma in their home state.  It’s always special to be with hundreds of Amma devotees who are all, more or less, “on the same page.”  Even if our native languages are different, we share a common “Amma language.”

Amma often mentions that as she looks out at her “children” she sees us as a rainbow, or a colourful bouquet of flowers. Seattle is home to a very ethnically diverse population and looking out over the hall that first day, we were indeed a colourful bouquet.  I thought of how Amma so often says that she hopes her children will become offerings to the world, with their every thought and action of benefit to others.  I prayed that I and everyone would take Amma’s teachings to heart, and that this 2012 tour would bring peace of mind and positive change as our words, prayers and actions reverberate; surely sending transforming vibrations to ourselves and to the world.  Being a little “Sleepless in Seattle” seemed well worth it!

– Rta
06 Jun 2012, Seattle, Washington

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