Tuesday evening almost felt like Devi Bhava.  The hall was so crowded for the last public program before the retreat that the ‘spinners’ (dancers who always congregate on the balcony) had to dance standing in place.  There was not a spare spot to sit or stand – every available space seemed to be occupied.   This […]

The second morning of programs in San Ramon began with skies filled with fog typical of the Bay Area.   Early risers were in the kitchen helping to chop veggies for lunch or dinner.   At around 10:20am, as has been tradition for many years, an announcement was made in the kitchen that Amma would be passing […]

23 November 2008 San Ramon The San Ramon Asram was packed with visitors – many coming for the first time to receive Amma’s embrace.   At approximately 10am, Amma arrived at the hall and began giving darshan after a brief meditation.   Though the morning was crisp, the sky was clear and the day quickly warmed up […]

Amma arrived at the San Ramon Ashram around 6pm Saturday evening after traveling from Europe where her six week tour just ended. For the past month or so, the San Ramon Ashram has been buzzing with activity.   Sevites  from all over the Bay Area and the US have been helping to clean the grounds, […]

Chatapur, 1st November 2008 The footprints that man leaves in his wake. The work that man does. His creation, his world – I was thinking of these as I walked from our camp to the next district. We give it so much importance and it is our very existence – but in a moment nature […]

Children are so spontaneous. The worries of the world don’t worry them. They do not care or do not know whether Obama or McCain is going to be the next president of the US. They do not know the LOC between Pakistan & India – but they know how to laugh. They know how to […]

In some ways Bihar reminded me of the Wild West! You do remember those stories don’t you – of cowboys and horses and gun fighters. One wild character was Buffalo Bill. But few know that the name was copied from India! Here Yama (Death) is shown as riding on a buffalo. He was the original […]

I have been having Amma’s darshan for about 15 years. Amma had come to our place when I was in the 6th standard. We were staying in Suratkal at that time. The program was in a beach side village near Mangalore. My exams were going on at that time but my father forcibly took me […]

During Amma’s visit to London this week I was helping out on the Meet and Greet stand in the entrance hall at Alexandra Palace. At the end of the first day’s session, as people started lining up to see Amma leave for her afternoon break, an elderly lady, who had just arrived at the venue, […]