23 Sep 2008, Bihar It has been days since a post. There has been no time – we have been moving from place to place getting a direct idea of how things really are. And we did not have any inernet connection. The places are small – almost villages, not very developed. We are in […]

17 – 20 Sep 2008, Supaul, Bihar After the successful start of the first flood relief camp by the math we set forth to more interior and more heavily affected districts and finally reached Supaul district on 18th morning. As before we started visiting various camps and looked for an ideal place for setting up […]

20 Sep 2008, Amritapuri Yesterday night, at the very end of the evening bahajns Amma sang a heart-stirring version of “He Amba”. When she told the musicians on stage about her choice of the song they exchanged glances and smiled at each other. They must have thought to themselves: Amma, who has a repertoire of […]

Aum Amriteswaryai Namah Blessed Children of Amma, We are pleased to announce that within a few days we will be launching a new version of Amritapuri.org. We wanted it to be launched before the birthday as an ‘Online Gift’ to our Omnipresent Amma. There were a lot of technical problems, some web team members were […]

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16 Sep 2008, Bowanipur, Bihar A miracle took place today. So many take place very day – the sun rises, it gives us warmth; there is air to breathe; birds fly and trees grow drawing sustenance from the earth and the sun and the air and we live. I feel the coolness of the breeze […]

 15 Sep 2008, Bowanipur, Bihar The last two days were quite hectic as the temporary shelters along with a kitchen, toilets, etc were nearing completion and we were planning to have a small inaugural function before the camp was started, to create awareness and also inspire others to take up similar such activities. The camp […]

13 Sep 2008, Bowanipur, Bihar The past two days we were busy getting the temporary shelters in place, and being a totally new place it took some time to get familiarized with the local working style, speed etc.  Two shelters of around 4000sqft have been completed. Work is going on to get the kitchen and […]

11 Sep 2008, Bhaliya, Bihar Many of the places we go to have almost no or very limited medical services. The medical team from the ashram is Godsend to the people. It has been sent by Amma. No other organization is providing such specialized and qualitative service to the people. Somehow where ever we go […]