11 Sep 2008, Bhaliya, Bihar
Many of the places we go to have almost no or very limited medical services. The medical team from the ashram is Godsend to the people. It has been sent by Amma. No other organization is providing such specialized and qualitative service to the people.

Somehow where ever we go now people already know about the ashram, they know of the babas who have come from Kerala, but some ask, “Is Kerala a state in India or a different country?” They know Sachin Tendulkars age and the records he has set but they do not know their own age or date of birth. A land of strange contradictions.



Beautiful clear waters, gentle ripples on the surface, the sky and the trees cast a reflection. Seems peaceful and serene. But this was a field with bountiful crops about to be harvested in a month’s time. It is all covered with water now. A veritable sea of water. Beautiful – but below it lie the hopes of the people – drowned.


The banana grove looks beautiful and bountiful. They can make a lakh if the crop is good. But the roots are rotten and the banana grove is drying up.


This was a home. But now it is but rotting wood and bamboo. No crops, no seeds, no home and almost no clothes and money.

The future is bleak but life goes on.

The children at the camp vie for a place in front of the camera – to them it has a compelling attraction, a newness. Life still asserts itself.

– Nijamrita

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Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. Heart-breaking moments of life that could be revived only by AMMA.

  2. Let the warm love of God in the form of Amma, protect them through this.
    May Her children find courage and go through.

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