Bengal Cylone Releif 2009 Preparations and the first day at the camp 30th May 2009 The day (26th May 2009) dawned as usual with rain bringing great relief for the people of Calcutta, who were roasted under the scorching heat for nearly a month. The people were set to their daily routine. Suddenly at about […]

Hearing about the terrible suffering of the children of Gaza, and a plea for cards to be sent to those children severely traumatised, a devotee from Canada felt deeply moved to write cards to them. But the practicalities proved to be challenging. What could be done by just one person? She realised that the message […]

2 Nov 2008, Bihar Our camp has been a pretty busy place in the past few days. Daily we have been distributing something or the other as some families start preparing to go back to their villages. The government has started sending people to estimate damage & loss suffered by individuals so those who are […]

Chatapur, 1st November 2008 The footprints that man leaves in his wake. The work that man does. His creation, his world – I was thinking of these as I walked from our camp to the next district. We give it so much importance and it is our very existence – but in a moment nature […]

Children are so spontaneous. The worries of the world don’t worry them. They do not care or do not know whether Obama or McCain is going to be the next president of the US. They do not know the LOC between Pakistan & India – but they know how to laugh. They know how to […]

In some ways Bihar reminded me of the Wild West! You do remember those stories don’t you – of cowboys and horses and gun fighters. One wild character was Buffalo Bill. But few know that the name was copied from India! Here Yama (Death) is shown as riding on a buffalo. He was the original […]

I have been having Amma’s darshan for about 15 years. Amma had come to our place when I was in the 6th standard. We were staying in Suratkal at that time. The program was in a beach side village near Mangalore. My exams were going on at that time but my father forcibly took me […]

26 Oct 2008, Sauapul, Bihar Everyday there a large number of patients waiting even before our doctors get to the hospital. So till the end of the day it is non-stop consultation and in the midst of all this we have emergency cases from time to time. Some we deal with, some we have to […]

26 Oct 2008, Saipaul, Bihar After a very eventful journey in which we saw half on India – a bridge was broken on the way, lines in Orissa were flooded, there was a huge agitation in Bihar and they were breaking windows and disrupting rail traffic I finally managed to reach Patna 26 hours after […]