If this is Mother Love, we all need a lot more of it Rosita Sweetman is well and truly Amma’d after meeting the ‘hugging saint’ Sunday November 18 2007 She’s tiny and a great deal earthier than they make her out to be in the brochures, with huge, lively eyes, a wonderful smile, and so […]

When a motherly hug is the best medicine By Niamh Hooper Monday November 12 2007 With four hugs a day prescribed for survival, eight a day for emotional strength and 12 for growth, what would scientific research make of Amma? Known fondly as The Hugging Saint, she is said to have hugged more than 26 […]

Question 24: “How often do you watch the moon and stars at night?   Describe your experience briefly.” ——————————— To post your answer, click on ‘Add Comment’.

There are various views possible of the beautiful backwaters at the Ashram’s backyard: while strolling along its bank, walking up the Amrita Setu, from the top of one of the tall ashram buildings….and so on. From anywhere I look at it, the mind takes on a poetic mood…. Well, if rivers are metaphor for the […]

Recently we all visited Holy Mount Arunachala and set out on Giriprakhsina. In our group, the one person who walked effortlessly more than half the distance and still ready to go on was our Kakki ( aunt ). To me this is a miracle. Kakki who is now 70 plus, has been a heart patient […]

Devi Bhava Breakfast Satsang 27 Nov 2007, Amritapuri Amma arrived on stage for the Devi Bhava satsang and puja in San Ramon at around 8:20 am, Amritapuri time.  The Western Canteen was just about to open, so many people were treated to a breakfast satsang.   The green screens that divide the eating area from the […]

Question 23: “What is the kindest action that you have been able to perform recently?” ——————————— To post your answer, click on ‘Add Comment’.

Here are the summaries/analysis of the answers provided for Q13 to Q16. Q13 was: “Why do we watch movies with excitement, even though we know it is just acting?” The 31 answers to this question provided probably the deepest reflections so far in this section. Here is what they said: – 14 answers say that […]

The Dream Flower Of Our Hearts 20 Nov 2007, How Amma is making our lives a joyous festival… the lives of multitudinous children, all over the globe … Simply ineffable! Incredible! Impossible even to understand! Till two years ago, whenever Amma went on long foreign tours, poor us here with no idea whatsoever of Her […]