27 Nov 2007 AshramDiary

Breakfast Satsang

Devi Bhava Breakfast Satsang
27 Nov 2007, Amritapuri

Amma arrived on stage for the Devi Bhava satsang and puja in San Ramon at around 8:20 am, Amritapuri time.  The Western Canteen was just about to open, so many people were treated to a breakfast satsang.   The green screens that divide the eating area from the rest of the Main Hall were moved aside, giving a clear view of the small TV that was transmitting Amma’s image to us.   In the past few days, a number of visitors have arrived – for many, it was their first time seeing and hearing Amma.

After Amma blessed the water and while it was being distributed, the Mata Rani video played on a screen in San Ramon for everyone to watch.   Amma was so cute.  While sitting on the peetham, She started to gently clap Her hands, or move them from side to side in synch with the beat.   One almost expected Amma to shout out ‘Jai!’ in response to Her own call of ‘Mata Rani Ki…..!’ coming from the video.

Once the video ended and everyone had received the water, Satsang began.  For some, it was the first time that we were hearing the translation in English.  (Dublin’s was also in English, but it was too late at night for many people).

After the puja, Amma went inside the mandapam, and after a few minutes, Amma’s familiar call of  “Namah Sivayah!” came over the speakers.   For a while, the conversation seemed to only consist of a series of elated ‘Namah Sivayahs!’ going back and forth – sometimes overlapping.  Oh how sweet it is to hear Her voice! While Amma’s voice is certainly motherly, this time around, one could discern a palpable childlike excitement.   It’s as if Amma is reflecting our joy at being able to hear each other – like a child finally getting the candy or toy she/he had desired.  Perhaps Amma feels that same way when She goes in the Mandapam – looking forward to interacting with Her children here – who are longing for Her physical presence.   That’s how Amma must also feel each time She comes down from Her room or enters the Hall to give darshan.

As for the color of Amma’s sari… it was some shade of blue/green.  But instead of elaborating further (and most likely somewhat incorrectly), we’ll hope that one of the many blog readers who are probably there right now might post a comment here after DB has ended

Next stop….Ann Arbor.

Sri Pati

Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. The colour of Amma’s saree – Turquoise Blue.

  2. Amma also sang “Lalita Lalita Sri Lalita “

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