Question 23:

“What is the kindest action that you have been able to perform recently?”

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  1. I usually listen to others and their problems; try to help by giving my understanding on things in the best way i’m able too.

  2. Taking care of plants. Being supportive and loving towards friends. Smiling…

  3. That was yesterday: I was keeping a vow of Mauna (silence)! 🙂

  4. Isn’t counting our kind actions or thinking that we are kind, something like “ego”?

  5. I agree with gurupriya. It does sound a bit egotistic, but I don’t think that it is the purpose of the question. I don’t keep track of when was the last time that I did a good or kind thing, but I hope it was recently!!!

  6. I don’t think one can rate one’s compassionate acts. Because such actions are supposed to happen spontaneously when one gets exposed to the sufferings of human beings, animals and plants. But an ordinary mortal like me, being selfish by nature, requires initial efforts to become a kindly soul. In addition to that, I need Amma’s Grace to manifest a bit of the “LOVE” She pours into us.

  7. To think that I have just done a kind action, negates SEVA. Amma says, Never look to the end or result of selfless activity! I do not know the kind things “I” have done. I am just trying to live Amma’s teachings.

  8. Don’t know about any action performed recently…maybe kindness occurs through us only with her grace in our actions…hope so. Jai Ma..

  9. Accroding to me, Whatever action I do whole heartedly and which would do good to atl east one person around me is a kind one… I do not keep track of them to remember the most recent one…

  10. The value of some questions is in the asking, not in the answering. Through Amma’s Grace may i hold the question paramount, and by Amma’s humility may i allow only the action to be the answer.

  11. Listening to the others, and to their problems. I like karma yoga. Doing karma yoga is something very similar to Christian compassion. Christ teachs us, and Amma shows us!!

  12. Since I’m still operating from my ego, I can totally remember my last kindness: petting my old dog Sammi for a really long time. He stinks a lot (outdoor Texas dog), so there’s some surrender involved, but not much since I know I can go wash my hands right away.
    Looking at the question again… “the kindest action”: I secretly prepared my boyfriend’s box lunch last night while he was busy doing homework – he felt really happy and warm being taken care of. Also yesterday – I was in a hurry, but I followed a hit-and-run vehicle on the highway to get its plates, then doubled back to the victim and gave my information.
    Acts like these are a direct response to having Amma in my life. Before I met her, I wasn’t nearly as “kind”, but now these acts (this attitude) flow out of me.

  13. I believe I have to ask this question everyday to myself.

  14. The moment I disclose my act of kindness, it will lose its value. But I am sure AMMA knows it.

  15. I don’t know whether one should rate himself/herself. I can’t evaluate my actions; I am just trying to respond properly to the situations, because I believe that all situations are created by my beloved Amma to strengthen my mind. I also don’t know whether I am successful in responding to the situations; only Amma can evaluate.

  16. Trying to keep a smile almost always when see a person and say Namshivaya (silently)

  17. I wish and pray that kindness comes spontaneously and I never miss an opportunity to to hold the hands that needs support!!
    I wonder about an aspect of kindness. I consider Nature is the kindest until its plundered and eroded. This kindness was shown by native Americans to the new imigrants… until devastation.This kindness was shown by India to new traders centuries ago and what happened…..plundered and looted. Poor peasants are still being deprived of what ever they have which is leading them to suicides. There are many such repetitions in history.
    AMMA is subtly restoring hope and faith in human values in this bruised world!! Oh AMMA please dont ever allow us to abandon our faith and hope under any circumstance!!

  18. Yet to come across worthy kind actions, not willing to boast the muddy mind’s ways.
    Oh Mother! make the heart filled with compassion so that I shall perform at least a few kind actions.

  19. Lately, I’ve been asking myself why am I doing/saying things that later I’m not proud of, instead of doing more kind actions.

  20. I try to be kind every day but I am not good on that area. I see my selfish ego coming to my actions.

  21. Amma forgive me, because I don’t think I’ve ever really done anything that was not self serving! Even when I give or share with others it is because the giving and sharing makes me feel joyous. So, I could say I’ve been kind, but I can’t say its ever been selfless!

  22. I can be a very mean and self centered person. I try hard to not be rude to others and not say bad things about them. I try not to gossip and I listen to other people’s problems. Whenever I do service, which is atleast once a week, I feel happy because I know I am helping other people.

  23. nowadays it has become difficult to do kind acts. it gives a bad taste in the end. amma says we should be like a tree which gives shade to the person who is cutting it down. when can such a state arise?

  24. I have recently begun to see how hard I have been on myself trying to do good and being disappointed. Tonight I am trying to be kinder to myself along with others.

  25. When one is asked this question, we often tend to think of an action of kindness. I think it also covers thoughts of kindness and not just a particular action. By stating one’s acts or thoughts, I personally do not think that it fuels ego or negates seva. It just makes us realize how we can emulate other peoples acts of kindness and make this world a better place.
    Recently, I have been a recipient of kindness. My husband is terminally ill and all the members of our satsang send us kind notes, chant lokah samastah and also bring food for us. My recent act of kindness was chanting 108 names of Amma in the chemo treatment room for all the patients undergoing treatment together with my husband. There is no personal expectation of gain here, just prayers to help each of them go through their challenges and endure the pain they are going through.

  26. I don’t really know what actions of mine have been kind. From my end they are just actions given the state of mind I have at the time but from the recepient’s end I don’t know how it was perceived and truthfully I am not curious about it either. From the thought perspective, I guess my only selfless one everyday when I do IAM is to think of each part of the world when I say “Lokaha Samasthaha Sukino Bhavanthu” and pray for that part to be strong and get over their difficulties.

  27. I believe that the point of the question is to remind us to do selfless service, and I am afarid that I am lacking lately.

  28. Whatever I learn from Amma I do my able best to put into action

  29. A couple of days ago I went into a covenience store. Outside the door was a homeless man asking for help. I replied, “Would you like me to buy you some food?” He said “Yes” and told me he wanted a doughnut. A few minutes later I gave him several doughnuts. I was glad to be there when he needed help.

  30. give food freely for fund raising

  31. I am an instrument in Amma’s hands. Whatever good I do, is She making me do. If i say that i did a kind action, it will be like a serving spoon claiming that it made the Payasam by stirring it while cooking. My part in a kind action is just like a serving spoon.

  32. Being supportive and loving towards elderly people becoz i love my care giver job in which i have to do shower, feeding, toileting taking care of them in all aspects. I do my best to put into action.

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