11 Oct, Swiss Amma’s Swiss program started off well. She arrived directly after Milan and reached 4 hours after Devi Bhava. Some devotees had gathered outside the hall and were waiting to garland Amma. The Swiss program had started. Even being a working day, the crowds were quite big. Some faces that were familiar to […]

8 Oct 2011, Milan, Italy It was a bright sunny day in Milan and local organisers of Amma’s Italy program were excitedly busy. Amma was to reach the airport in a few minutes. Outside the arrival gate, devotees had waited with flowers in their hands. Some of them got ready to drive on. Meanwhile, being […]

If you want to know about Amma’s love and grace you can find thousands of people to share it with enthusiasm. But if you want to know about Amma’s life 35 years ago, there are only a few people who can talk about it with authority. Mr. Mahadevan Pillai, 86 years old, a retired school […]

Happy news for Amma’s children. You can now receive news on Amma, via AmmaChimes on your mobile via sms. To get the updates get a twitter account from twitter.com, register your mobile with your twitter account (http://twitter.com/devices). After the confirmation, send an sms to the number which Twitter specify ( will vary according to country) […]

It is the saga of expressing how the people from all walks of life get influenced by Love. Love doesn’t discriminate between haves and have-not’s, between castes, creed, religion, language, status or position in the society. The teachings and actions of Amma exemplify this universal truth. This is the story of Dr. Jyothi – an […]

‘Its such an auspicious day’…. is what I thought of when I opened my eyes on the morning of 27th September 2011. I scrabbled for my Amma’s photo on my table next to my bed and wished her a Happy Birthday with a birthday kiss and a big hug… tears welled up in my heart […]

Do you believe in the realisation of dreams?  Does a dream ever come true?  Have you ever met a stranger who appeared in your dreams?  If you asked these questions to anyone… they would surely be puzzled and amazed.  We asked the same questions to Ghanshyam and his response was spontaneous and affirmative. Ghanshyam, a […]

26 Sep 2011, Amritapuri It’s hard to find people who think and feel for their fellow beings. Their sense of pride limits themselves in many ways.  For instance, no one would care to  direct people to  dustbins  as they feel that it’s a shame for them and it’s not their responsibility. I was astonished to […]

India has been known to be a land of sages and spirituality for eons. This impact is even felt today and this is evident from the following story narrated by an Iranian lady who requested us to keep her name anonymous. Her roots are in Iran, but born and brought up in California, United States. […]