13 Dec 2008, Amritapuri CHANGE! The regular visitors to Amritapuri would certainly vouch for that. Amritapuri has been adorned with a number of new modifications over  the past couple of  months. The holy cows of Amritapuri have been put up in a new home. A new, more spacious cowshed has been constructed by the backwaters […]

The bhajans were delightful as always. So much so that one little boy couldn’t contain himself but ran up the ramp to sit with Amma on the peetham. The songs of the evening were: Gopala Gokula Govardhana Anandamritarupini Amme Makaranda Madhurya Durge (kannada) Pati Pukazhttuvan Etrayo Nalayi Bholanatha Re Amma Amma Taye Towards the end […]

Famed American rock guitarist and singer J Mascis is holding a concert to benefit Amma’s charities on Saturday, 13 December. The concert will be held at Go Yoga (112 N. 6th Street, Brooklyn NY – 718-486-5602). Mascis will be joined by fellow New York musicians Andrew ‘Devadas’ Labrecque and Tony Jarvis. Mascis is most famous […]

The bhajans tonight were just pure bliss. Especially as Amma sang older songs like Agamanta Porule, the atmosphere was bursting with the presence of the Divine. Music is such an inspiring thing when it is used as a means to go deep within. In Mothers hands it becomes something completely transcendent. The songs were: Krishna […]

O mother, when I took my first steps, You were there. When I started laughing merrily at every site, You joined with me. When I created a world of my own, You watched me silently. Still, in every steps of mine You walked with me. When I went through sufferings, You showered your love on […]

This past week over 200 devotees and Bay Area environmentalists of all ages planted nearly 700 trees and shrubs on the hillsides of the M.A. Center. While we planted, we could hear bhajans  ringing out from the temple as Amma gave darshan. It was such a sweet way to come together in service and all […]

The moment arrived yesterday at around 1 pm, when Amma’s tour caravan pulled up in front of the temple and the thirsting of her children was quenched by the sight of her gracious form. The life and soul of the ashram was reinstated and the hearts of everyone once again overflowed with light. For those […]

2 Nov 2008, Bihar Our camp has been a pretty busy place in the past few days. Daily we have been distributing something or the other as some families start preparing to go back to their villages. The government has started sending people to estimate damage & loss suffered by individuals so those who are […]

6 Dec 2008, Tel Aviv, Israel A 4 day program that was held in Israel was concluded with an Integrated Amrita Meditation retreat by Brahmachari Shubamrita accompanied by Nath. The 1st program was held in Tel Aviv. On that night Tel Aviv was quiet as in the morning there was an alert for terrorist attacks, […]