31 Aug 2008 Early in the morning when no one is around, I like to walk down the stairs in the E Block to get to archana, and several times I have seen a strange and wonderful thing happening. I pass the two elevators in the E Block parked on the ninth floor, just over […]

25 aug 2008, amritapuri the night of krishna jayanthi at amritapuri is some thing to be seen, to be a participant in, to be experienced. amma is always smiling. today her smile has a speciality – a bewitching  one. she is ecstatic and she takes all others to this realm of bliss. how do i […]

24 aug 2008, amritapuri it was sri krishna’s birthday. but there were such an enthusiasm that one would feels that its one ‘s own birthday. The whole ashram was in ecstasy. when amma came to the uriyadi grounds, there were about 400 small krishnas, radhas, gopas and gopis + the incarnations of lord vishnu. its […]

It is so nice to see people change in Amma’s Love.We had an IAM class last week. There were about 80 people – as usual from all over the world, from the East to the West.One lady came up to me during a break and asked me, “I do not know whether my question is […]

Recently there was one lady at Amritapuri. After becoming a part of the Amma family, she had with the help of other local devotees initiated many new charitable service activities. And through these activities they had been really helping a lot of needy people, reaching out to a lot of new people with Amma’s message. […]

There have been a series of IAM meditation classes here in Amritapuri – even for the children. It was the first time I was taking a class for children in Amritapuri. There were children from all over. Some serious and some…. – You Know! It was so beautiful to watch all the children and how […]

Dear children of Amma,www.Amritapuri.org was started to help her children to ‘be online with Amma’.To this effect, we are starting a new feature called

an indian couple was getting amma’s darshan. the woman had lots of complaints. they fought often. amma told the man “you already married four times. you’re too old. you will not get another wife. take care of her children as well as yours. start loving them. without adjustments, peace is not possible.” it was a […]

a devotee brought parippuvada to amma during darshan. the moment she opened the vessel. the smell of curry leaves and dal fried in pure coconut oil filled the darshan stage.  yummm.. my nostrils flared in appreciation. looking at amma i told her, it’s very good. very good smell. i took a lung full of air. […]