8 Aug 2006 AshramDiary

Coming Home

This year the ashram seems home more than before as I arrive after a summer away from the ashram. The loving greetings exchanged between the residents and visitors from all over the world have warmed all hearts. People seem very sweet and relaxed, perhaps because the hard physical work that followed the tsunami was replaced this summer for most, by hours of sadhana, scriptural study and satsang. There seems to be a softer, more relaxed atmosphere despite the large number of devotees arriving for Amma’s darshan.

The terrible events occurring in the world outside the ashram drift into the back of the consciousness as the joy of Amma’s homecoming blends with excitement of the devotees’s coming for her darshan and the service they require. However, on August 9th and 10th pujas for peace are being held at Amritapuri and the kalari is humming with activity and prayers that people everywhere can experience the kind of peace and joy that we are blessed with here at the ashram.

8 Aug 2006
Rita Sutcliffe, US

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