Oh Mind, nobody is yours
Amma arrived for bhajans directly after darshan without any break in between. It is always a little painful to see Her arrive without having had any rest, Her white sari stained with the sweat, makeup, and tears of Her children. But as always, Amma sets the example for the ashramites, showing how important it is not to miss the daily practices even amidst a hectic schedule.
Today, it is Karthika, the day of Amma’s birth star. The Students from Amma’s school were waiting by Amma’s hut and started singing the song Innallo Karthika Naalu. Accompanying Amma to all the way to the stage. The song says: you made us intoxicated, You made us crazy, You made us peaceful.
Tonight Amma sang a mix of old and new songs. Among them was a new Tamil song called Sollariya Nin Pukazhai and a Kannada song Called Gange Ginta Pavitralu. There were some moments of fun as these songs were unfamiliar and got started only after a bit of general confusion and Amma’s motherly scolding. Amma sang also the classic bhajan Manase Nin Svantamayi in English. I had announced the page number from the old Bhajanamritam book but mother wished that all Her children would surely be able to sing along and wanted me to announce again since the song is also reprinted in the new song sheet. This makes me confident that we will be hearing this profound and beautiful song again in the near future. It is one of my personal favorites in both the original Malayalam and in English. Before joining the ashram I would listen to it daily to keep my mind on the right track. The lyrics to this song have a very powerful effect when reflected upon:
Oh Mind become surrendered
Allow only truth to be your friend
Nobody belongs just to you, no one is your own
Round and round this world you wander
Not seeing the reason why you are here
By doing such meaningless actions, you cannot escape
As you listen to the praises of those who admire all you do,
Remember life passes quickly, like leaves on a stream
After being celebrated, this body that carries you from birth
Will be an abandoned dwelling, forsaken by life
On and on you struggle bravely,
Fulfilling desires of those you love
You sacrifice everything for them, including your life
Even those who love you dearly cannot stay beside you after death
Your body they found so attractive now scares them away
Captured in the snare of maya
You’re traveling a road that has no end
Remember the divine mother, repeating Her name
Leaving behind all desires
Join in the eternal dance of bliss
By singing to Mother Kali, Kali Mata