Tonight’s Bhajans were:

Sri Krishna Saranam Mama
Nilambuja Nayane
Gange Ginta Pavitralu
Mere Vicha Ram
Om Hari Om
Kalindi Kalil
Oh Mind Become Surrendered
Om Namah Shivaya
Jai Jai Jai Durga Maharani

The lyrics of the new Telugu song Gange Ginta Pavitralu struck
me as profoundly Beautiful:

Mother, You are holier than the river Ganges
You are more fair than pure milk
With what water could your feet be washed?
Accept these tears with which I will wash your feet

Your eyes are brighter than the sun and your
nose ornament shines more resplendently than the stars.
With what lamp could I perform Arati to You?
Accept my eyes that gaze intently at your form
With which I will perform Arati to You

Your hands are softer than a lotus
Your smile is more attractive than any type of flower
With what flower can I perform archana for you?
Accept the work done by these hands as a substitute
for the flowers offered to You in Archana

Your form is more glorious than the mountains
Your lap is wider than the sea
In what form can I visualize You?
O Mother, Accept my heart that I surrender at your feet


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