Today as Amma was coming for bhajans, She took a detour to the east-side of the bhajan hall where the Indian Shop and the two story building adjacent to it have been recently demolished to make more space for Amma’s upcoming birthday crowds. “Demolished!”, some people who have not yet heard about it might exclaim. It is actually quite nice, since the bhajan hall gets better air-circulation now. The shop is newly located at the side of the temple where the old library used to be.
Anyway, Amma went to see the site before coming up for bhajans. I don’t know what plans She has in mind for that space. We will see soon enough I guess. I love seeing the ashram grow and develop. It’s like watching a living organism take shape.
After Amma came up the ramp and I scrambled to get all the cables out of the way because usually She does not enter the stage from this side. She came in with one of Her mischievous smiles like She was saying: “I come and go as I please children, I am always watching your actions and might come at any moment, from anywhere. Are you ready?” Hands down, Amma continues to be unpredictable. That’s the beauty of it.
Amma sang:

Nanda Nandana
Samsara Dukha Samanam
Hridaya Nivasini Amme
Bandamontu Sontumondu (Tamil)
Pannaga Bhushana
Mor Mukut Vale (Hindi)
Ennile Enne Tirinnyu
He Amba

Somehow a very interesting selection, ‘Hridya Nivasini Amme’ just blows me away with its sublime beauty and strength.
Ramu who plays harmonium, got his ear twisted as a scolding by Amma for starting Jai Ambe by mistake instead of He Amba.
I also announced Jai Ambe wrong first.
I also want Amma to twist my ear!

8 sep 2006

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