Though the rainy season has supposedly passed, here in Amritapuri, it seems to have never ended. When I first arrived on August 14th, it rained every night for a week. Long, steady downpours that leave ankle deep puddles all over the Ashram.

After that week of downpours, there seemed to be a break. But then it started again two days back. Just when you thought it was safe to hang your laundry on the roof – another downpour. ‘A second rinsing,’ joked an Ashramite.

Tonight, it poured just after bhajans while dinner was being served in the Main Hall. Westerners lined up for the canteen meal, hovering under the ledge of the hall, trying to stay out of the stream of water that was dripping off the roof. Those who ordered food at the Cafe got soaked trying to walk the few feet that separated the cafe from the dining area.

In the midst of all this, Amma had quietly walked to the new bridge which is being built across the back waters. The downpour had subsided, but it was still raining steadily. I ran there, only to see as Amma was walking back to Her room.

There were maybe a dozen people around Her – hardly anyone knew that Amma was out and about. A Brahmacharini was holding an umbrella trying to keep Amma’s body dry. But only Amma could protect Her feet from the water that had formed in puddles on the sandy ground. I watched as She tried to avoid the water. While chatting with those aroud Her, She would gaze ahead, then downwards, make an assessment of the situation, and plan the driest path. In slow, confident, and graceful steps, Amma walked back to Her room.

September 8, 2006
Sri Pati – US

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