Be mindful of your steps
When amma is away,our days here in the ashram normally revolve mainly around our work and sadhana, early morning and evening are given to sadhana and daytime is given to seva…so,after spending my morning in archana, plus some yoga and meditation, i slowly was making my way towards the engineering college. As i approached the bridge, i noticed a very unique sign: “Work in progress. Be mindful of your steps.”
What a profound spiritual instruction! In that introverted state of mind, this really struck me as the instruction which i needed at that point,mindfulness is every step, or mindfulness of the body,breath and mind is the main step and the bridge between meditation and our seva..
Amma always stresses on this one point, mindfulness is whatever we do, and she mentions how awareness is the goal of all spiritual practices…what is the difference between mindfulness and awareness? none. mindfulness is the cause, awareness is the effect. In mindfulness there is subject-object duality, in awareness there is no such thing.
Like amma says, when one is in the right state of mind, he starts learning from every situation he comes across, i feel thats what happened.
Vikas, Amritapuri
16 Oct 06
amma in every word every breath and every action…that is right sadhana for ammas children…AUM AMMA