Tonight’s bhajans started a bit later than usual but lasted also longer.

Amma sang the following bhajans:

Krishna Vasudeva Hare
Karuna Nir Katale Nin
Agamanta Porule
Mangu Men Tujhse
Ennile Enne Tirinnyu
Om Namah Shivaya
Pahi Pahi Devi
Nilaiyilla Ulakil
Jago Ma Kali

Especially the song Agamanta Porule struck a chord inside me tonight. It is such a profound song.

Not only the lyrics but also the bhava is so intense that something just happens within. I was gazing at Mother thinking to myself how many people around the world study their scriptures daily trying to find solace in them, but here indeed is sitting amongst us the One in Whom all scriptures originate, have their being, and in Whom they find fulfillment.

She is the Path and Goal itself.

O Essence of the Agamas (revealed scriptures),
Thou who fillest the universe, who knows Thee who art wisdom itself?
O Blissful Self, Eternal Being devoid of sorrow, Primal and Supreme Power, protect me.
O Thou who shinest in the form of Eternal Truth.
O Devi, O Eternal One, showing the path of salvation,
Shine in me who am a dullard among mankind.
Clearly I tell Thee Mother…deign to enter and shine in my heart.
Choose me to praise Thy story and liberate me from this Maya.


12 Dec 2006

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  1. “She Is The Path And Goal Itself”.

    Indeed! JAI MA!!

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