10 Dec 2007 AshramDiary

First Sight.

10 Dec 2007, Amritapuri

Last night, when Amma arrived, there were so many people crowded around Her, as She walked to Her room, that many couldn’t see no matter how hard they tried.  Even when Amma was on the stairwell to Her room, you had to be on your tippy-toes and in just the right place to see anything at all.   So tonight, when Amma came out for Bhajans, there She was, in full view on the stage. 

During Amma’s Europe/US tour, there were a few International visitors staying in Amritapuri who hadn’t yet met Amma.  I couldn’t help but think of them.  For the past two months, they have been washing dishes, serving meals, cleaning the floors, sorting trash – and all with such loving devotion and dedication, it was hard to believe they never had darshan.    

So tonight was their first sight of Amma’s physical form.  I saw two of them afterwards at dinner.  Neither could find the words to express their joy. But it showed in their faces, in their beaming smiles – the twinkle in their eyes. Now I can’t wait to see them after their first hug….

– Sri Pati


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  1. Not only AMMA’s first sight but all SIGHTS, Voice, action and those beautiful and captivating KATAAKSHA look remains securely embedded in my Heart!

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