25 Dec 2007 AshramDiary

Blooming Buds

23 Dec 2007,  Amritapuri

Amma is walking from country to country like one does from one room to another of one’s house.
Someone said, “While i was writing the news column for the a monthly Matruvani, I found myself writing along this pattern: One para I wrote on Amma in San Ramon, next one para on Amma in Michigan, next on Amma in London… I paused to see how many miles lie in between. The whole Atlantic Ocean in between! But a cake walk for Her. Anyway the next para on Amma’s return to Amritapuri… And well, is it then a visit to Amritapuri: “Amma in Amritapuri”???  Well, it is AMMA THE GREAT. We have to accept it if She has only one week for Amritapuri. Then i, a little weepy me,  proceeded with the next para, Amma in Manjeri… … another para on Amma in Kozhikode, and Amma in Kodungalloor and well…”

So, Her speed in going places also gives Her speed to return to Amritapuri.

Last time She came, did She not promise to make the buds bloom in time?
As Amma was going up Her stairs there was a plant with red little buds yet to open, and a small ditty written by a child…
“Amma, we are little buds in your garden.
Don’t let us wither, help us bloom…”

Amma kissed the buds and said, “Sure. So long as you have become buds …. A bud is sure to bloom. Only don’t forget to water the plant regularly.”

Amma the Guru was reminding us of our remaining tuned to Her which is the only sadhana we somehow need to do…

Tomorrow is the day! Moma, see you soon!

— Sandhya

Join the conversation! 3 Comments

  1. I am also one of the bud whom she has fondled and kissed and assured that I would also become a fragrant flower. But she says I have to be alert even while sleeping. Watering of the plants means that we should always remember our innerself. Never forget the goal of life while performing all ther duties. The goal of our life is enligthenment.

  2. How to water the “bud” that is trying to blossom?
    The next time someone cuts in line in front of you, notice how your body starts to move to block and your lips start saying something to the person. And when something happens in your moment of a day and you are about to “React”; DON’T!!! Watch your mind work its conditional stuff, it does it all the time. This time don’t do anything except watch it and feel the watering from Devi’s watering can right on top of your heart, The Blossom that is moving towards Blossoming!. Yea! We are all Blossoms in Devi’s garden!

  3. Amma told on satsang while at kodungalloor brahmastan festival, “That time would not wait for anyone”, amma is not waiting for anything. She is passing by the miles and miles to clean us.

    So she herself is the time. Here amma is waiting for us, but time does not wait. We shall pray for divine bless to clean us soon…

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