The clock on the temple wall is mistaken.

It shows second by second, minute by minute, that time is moving forward, ever so gently.

But my experience, here with Amma in the temple, is a timeless one.

Who is right?

Perhaps it is the constant pounding of the ocean surf that creates a sense of timelessness here.

Or maybe the beauty of the Onam full moon reflecting off the backwaters, shimmering in silent grace, and bathing all, is what is creating this timelessness.

Or is it the sea of coconut trees, expanding endlessly?

Maybe it is the hum of humanity, the Om of life, reverberating thru the ashram walls and grounds.

Or is it the drum of rain, powerful and incessant, that is doing it?

In Amma’s presence, the door of my heart is open, and I walk hallowed ground.

Created by both Guru and disciple, through millennium of time and countless lives, I embrace vast treasures of stored devotion.  Who would have guessed?

This is the timelessness I have been experiencing.

The temple clock shows it is time for seva.

Chittaranjan, USA

1 Sep 2007, Amritapuri

Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. To hold each moment as a grain of sand, poured from the hand of the Divine Mother herself, endlessly, counting the stars that fall in the sky, until the glory of Mother’s presence rises like the sun in the east. Who can tell the qualities of the One who is beyond all words? How can we
    grasp the Elusive, when we run after the delusive? May our tears be as
    sand, falling from our eyes into the hand of the Divine Mother, so Her
    Love might dawn in our hearts, and never set, for each moment in time.

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