On 30th June 2007 we headed towards Srinagar again. It was dark outside, raining and weather was cold. In around 2½ hours we reached HMT, Srinagar.
The IAM sessions were scheduled from 1st July 2007 to 3rd July 2007, for both HMT (Hindustan Machine Tools), Srinagar as well as PGCI (Power Grid Corporation of India), Wagoora.
On the first day we had a combined class of Jawans from both of these places at HMT, Srinagar. The number of Jawans was comparatively lesser than before. Totally we had around 50 Jawans on first day. On the second day, we had to take morning session for HMT alone whereas in evening we travelled to Wagoora for taking their IAM session. On the last day we had ToT for Trainers.
On the last day, Assistant Commandant, Mr. G.L. Alone also participated in IAM. In the evening, certificates were awarded by Him to the IAM Trainers. While we were about to leave from there, the Jawans came and hugged us. They wanted to know more about Amma and told us that in those few days they felt very close to us and will be missing us. Then they asked us to take some pictures with them.
Eventhough the number was small, most of these Jawans were very quick learners. Almost all of them identified as Trainers were really doing well.
– IAM Team(Amit and Mohan)
4 july 2007, Wagoora