13 Feb 2007 AshramDiary

New Bhajans

There were a couple of new songs tonight.

In between a few songs there was some commotion as Amma wanted the wireless mikes to be changed. Some laughter followed from the audience as She took down one of the mikes while making a face at the mixer and handed it to Karthik, the sound guy.

Amma sang the following bhajans tonight:

Hare Murare

Ushakala Neram

Krishna Govinda Gopala


Om Namah Shivaya

Tedal tudangaum Daiva Tedal ( Tamil)


Jinki Karuna Hai Apar

The little girl that yesterday was coming up the ramp holding her hands over her ears mustered the courage tonight to come right up on to the stage to sit behind Amma. She had a little notepad and pen and was scribbling down something. Don’t ask me what. It was in child language, that divine origin of all human sciences and arts.


13 Fed 2007

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