3 Oct 2007 AshramDiary

What do you say?

Hectic preparation was going on for Amma’s 54th birthday celebrations. As more than one hundred thousand people were expected, building the big tent started more than a few weeks ago. As the day neared many devotees from far and near poured in in order to do seva.  Days and nights were spent on the site.

Along with the rest of nature, the rain-god also played fun games with us. As we had no fixed working hours, he too didn’t have any. He was more fond of sending rain soon after we set something right, and in that very place.

On the nights of 23 and 24 about a hundred of us worked for a few hours removing the puddles and clearing the land. We manually gathered the mire into buckets and poured it in ditches a little away from the site. Varuna, the rain god, waited for us to finish.  Then he poured and poured. So water flowed back into the very ditches that we had cleared.

But, where did he disappear to on 26th and 27th? The preparations that we did on 26th were at last accepted – there was no need to re-do again after that. Programs went well under the clear sky.

Amma set out from Amritapuri to Vallickkavu on the 27th at around 8-30 am, and only returned at 7 am the next day.

Varuna then began his sport; the disappeared rain began to pour again.

I heard two young children talking:
“Amma knows on which days it will rain, and on which days it will not.”

“Not so. Amma knows on which day it should rain, and on which day it should not.”

O reader, what do you say?


Join the conversation! 8 Comments

  1. Looking at Amma’s compassion to all, Varuna paid his respects to Her on Her Birthday and gave a birthday gift for those 2 days. I don’t think Amma requested anything of Varuna. That is the extent of Amma’s humility to all Her children including nature.

  2. ammayude makkale karma bandathil ninnum mochipikaan amma pala leelakalum aadunnu…..

    To help her children free from “karmabandham”, amma give chances ….

  3. Varuna must have been waiting for AMMA’s Darshan!

  4. She must have arranged for it not to rain!

    Like the child said Amma knows when it should and shouldn’t rain.

  5. The Leelas of Amma and Prakriti are beyond our perceptive powers

  6. Perhaps Amma IS also the rain.

  7. Who dares play around with Amma and Her children?? Didnt Krishna show once that he can protect us from rain by lifting the Govardhana? Then why should He show it again as Amma ? Let us say that devas learn their lessons much quicker than we humans 🙂 .

  8. Amma is the Creator and also the Creation!!!…
    Srishttiyum neeyee….. Srishttaavum neeyee….

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