10 Jan 2008 AshramDiary


9 Jan 2008, Amritapuri

Amma was giving darshan today in the Temple instead of the Main Hall.   At around 5:30, while meditating on the roof of the ‘S’ flats, I suddenly heard then ‘Sneha Sudhamini’ coming over the Ashram speakers.   It was Swami Amritaswarupananda singing which was quite unusual.  Generally, Ashram residents, International visitors, or Brahmacharinis sing until about 6:30, after which Swami Amritatmananda begins singing on the stage in the main hall.   Something was up….

When I made it to the Temple, it was packed with people.  Everyone had come to hear Swamiji sing.   None of us could remember the last time he had sung bhajans in the Temple.  Was it three years back?  Five? More?  For me, it brought back memories of my first visit to Amritapuri in Oct. 1998.  There was no stage in the big hall – darshan and bhajans were always in the Temple.

The energy was beautiful – and intense.  In the seemingly/relatively small space of the Temple filled with devotees watching  Amma give darshan – it was like being in a furnace with the heat of devotion crackling in the air.  And when Swamiji next sang ‘Katutha Sokam’ the energy reached still another level.  I reminded me of Devi Bhava when it used to be in the Temple, and I was living upstairs on the 5th floor.   I’d be resting late at night while Darshan would be going on. Then I’d hear Swamiji’s voice and come running down to see the end of Darshan.

After about an hour,  Swamiji finished singing and Swami Amritatmananda started his usual set on the stage – a little later than usual.  For a brief moment, it was a beautiful flashback to fond memories of my early days with Amma.   May there be many more.

Sri Pati

Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. Oh God bless you for sharing your sweet memories with us. As the time is passing by my desire gets intense of meeting AMMA. I do not know when it is destined. But as it is known AMMA is omnipresent she has solved many of my problems giving me istructions how to solve my probelms through my spiritual mentor. I have a feeling that she is always with me. But I do not know why my heart is aching, weeping to see her touch her. AMMA where r u, I know u r in my heart everytime but then also I want see you physically. Please come.

  2. dear brothers and sisters – the ‘flashback’ came again the next day Thursday afternoon. Swamiji returned to the Temple while Amma was giving darshan…

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