16 Feb 2008 WithAmma

The Frog & the Snake

Talassery, 10-11 February 2008,

During a recent tour stop in Talassery a friend was walking back from the ocean to the Amrita school where we were being housed.  As she approached the gates of the school she noticed a frog merrily hopping across the road, seemingly care-free and in not particular hurry.  Certainly it seemed unaware that it was actually in grave danger.  Approximately four feet behind he frog followed a tan and copper-colored snake, about two and a half feet in length.  It slid across the sandy ground with its head raised and its eyes sharp and intensely focused on the frog.  So entirely fixed on the frog was the attention of the snake that it seemed oblivious of my friend as she watched the ensuing drama unfold.
The frog hopped down into a dry ditch and hid under a clump of leaves.  Continuing its chase, the snake went down into the ditch as well and began looking for the frog.  It then slid under the leaves prompting the frog to jump out from under them and back up onto the road.  The snake followed in close pursuit.  Again, its eyes stood out as being so sharp, so intensely focused was the snake on its prey.  Then, in a flash the snake made its lightening-fast move, catching the frog and quickly swallowing it whole.
My friend was deeply affected by this experience and recalled Amma’s words that even our very next breath is no guarantee, so we should stop delaying our true purpose in life of pursuing spiritual values.  Just as the snake was so intensely and completely focused on the frog, so should we try to be seriously and intently focused on the true goal of life – realizing God or our true Self—and try to resist the many distractions and desires that pull for our attention daily.
Like the frog, we are easily distracted by our surroundings, completely unaware of how near death might be.  It is easy to hide beneath comforts and desires, just as the frog hid beneath the leaves, oblivious to how utterly brief life really is.

Wake up, children!  Wake up!  Amma’s loving voice repeatedly, patiently tries to rouse us from our sleep-walking.  Life is so brief.  Time is so precious, and once spent, cannot be regained.  Wake up, children!

~ Malini

Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. Like a lightening bolt from the Heavens this story is timely.
    Namaha Sivaya

  2. This is an eye opening real story. It has created a thunderstorm in my mind. While going on my right path I feel sometimes I drift apart and that is the blunder I do. I pray to my AMMA please help me in attaining my goal withiout any drifting apart. AMMA please help me remaining in the awaken state always. 21 days left to be with AMMA in Delhi.

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