17 Mar 2008 WithAmma

Arriving in Kolkata

Arriving in Kolkata – The last stop on the tour
17 Mar 2008, Kolkata
After the Mangalore program I went back to the ashram but could not bear the thought of missing the inauguration of the Brahmasthanam temple here at Amma’s Kolkata Ashram and not seeing Amma before she departs India. I was not alone in feeling so as there were about one hundred other ashramites who took the same train. We reached the Kolkata ashram about one hour before Amma and there was already a feeling of anticipation everywhere with devotees lined up in front of her room and a lot of preparation going on. While waiting for Amma to arrive I walked around the compounds taking in the special atmosphere of the ashram, which is somehow very unique. As I was reflecting upon the great spiritual tradition and history of Bengal someone blew the conch to announce Amma’s arrival and I made my way quickly back to Amma’s house to witness one more chapter in this saga about to unfold. As Amma’s car pulled up in front of the building the devotees could hardly contain themselves. They were not very numerous but so eager to see and touch Amma that some crowd control was needed to keep things under check. It is only to be expected since they have not seen Amma for two years and are yearning for just a small glimpse of her to quench their thirst. Amma went up the stairs to her room but stopped half way to gaze at her beloved Kolkata children. After a little while she retired to her room after a three day car ride from Delhi to here and everyone dispersed chattering happily and went back to the preparations needed for tomorrow. At that point the busses carrying the rest of the tour group arrived and tired but happy looking faces poured out as the long tour’s last stop has finally arrived, except for those continuing to Andamand Islands, Malaysia and Singapore. But before this year’s Bharata Yatra is over the Brahmasthanam Prana Pratisthta is still to come.


Join the conversation! 3 Comments

  1. Thanks a lot for keeping us in touch with AMMA’s programmes.

  2. Namah Shivaya Vishwanath! Thank you for reminding me how blessed I am as a New Yorker to have Amma come twice a year! I can only Imagine how it must be to go two full years without seeing her…especially if I lived at one of her ashrams! Your post was a lovely gift. Thank you again!

  3. Indeed many many thanks for keeping us in touch with Amma’s programmes ! I am eagerly waiting for Her to return to Italy!

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