2 Jan 2009 AshramDiary

Masala Dosa

31 Dec 2008

It was a Wednesday and Amma was giving Darshan in the Kali temple. The time was 8:00 PM and Amma was having a serious discussion with us on our project. I was standing very near Amm. Prema from our organization was sitting by the side at the edge of AMMA’s  peetam. Suddenly out of the blue, Amma turned towards me and asked me if I had eaten anything that day. I told Her that I had my lunch. She immediately took an apple and gave it to me.

Prema came and exclaimed how lucky I was to get apple from Amma. I smiled, and told her that right at the very moment when Amma turned around and asked if I had eaten anything, my thought was that it was getting late and I will miss the “masala dosa” in Aryas (restaurant)  on the way back to AIMS. That apple satisfied my craving for that day.

– Sathya

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  1. Masala Dosa… yummmmmmmmm

    I have a recent Masala Dosa and Amma story too 🙂

    Towards the end of my short stay at Amma’s ashram in December I was really looking forward to having a Masala Dosa at the new Indian Canteen. Having only been in India for a month and not venturing much further than the ashram, this was a small blessing which I was expecting to come my way after getting word that an Indian canteen would be openning once Amma had arrived at the ashram.

    One of my spiritual experiences at the ashram was based on my mind’s preoccupation with gobbling up that Masala Dosa as well as a little wish I made to Amma a few days before visiting the Indian canteen.

    This little wish was about a ring. A meditation ring with little bumps on it that you can use to say your mantra. My friend had a different spiritual ring and one day we had a good chat about spiritual rings. She told me that it was difficult to get these bumpy meditation rings now days, especially in the right size for small fingers (like mine!)

    I softly asked Amma for one of Her bumpy mediation rings.

    But as usual my mind soon drifted back to things like Masala Dosa and I as good as forgot about the ring.

    At about 8pm at one of the weekend Darshans I watched as people began to disperse from the main hall to eat dinner. My recurring Masala Dosa obsession and the fear that the Masala Dosas would soon run out kept pounding through my thoughts to the point that my little mind rationalised that surely Amma would want Her children to eat and I left my meditation spot to start the journey towards the new Indian canteen.

    Ofcourse when I arrived the news of “No Masala Dosa” greeted me. I let out that little sigh of disapointment but was still curious about the exciting new food that the canteen had to offer.

    So I picked up two of the big Dosa-pancake things (sorry don’t know the right name for them 🙂 and then decided I was being greedy and asked the person who served them to me to take one back.

    After walking up the aisle and checking out the rest of the goodies, I decided I just wanted two of the Dosa-pancake things with the white sauce and went back for my second to be piled on top of the first.

    After finding a lovely spot to sit under the trees, I sat alone and thoroughly enjoyed my Dosa-pancake things (and the deep fried banana which I added to my plate as an afterthought… very yummy for those venturing towards the canteen in the future ;).

    As I was enjoying my food I felt a clunky piece of something in between my teeth. My first thought was that it was a piece of glass that had accidently fallen into the pancake mixture. I put my fingers into my mouth to pull it out and to my complete surprise found the bumpy meditation ring, which ofcourse fit perfectly on my finger.

    Needless to say my craving for a Masala Dosa was also satisfied that day, be it in a very surprising way!

    And my craving for God, whilst I am so far from Amma and so awful at spiritual practices, is now satisfied by touching the bumpy ring and remembering what Amma helped me to see.

  2. ahahaaaaa :D….both the stories of the apple-masala dosa and the masala dosa-meditation ring are delightful…AMMA’s leela!!!
    Which reminds us – Careful what we wish for, we just might get it! 🙂

  3. It’s all Amma’s leela. Thanks for posting your experience. Amma Sharanam.

  4. What does Amma say about all the ILLS INDIA is facing today, was there any special prayer held for Mumbai terror victims? AMMA we need answers for these burning problems. We have many fears.

  5. What amazing stories ! Amma’s love is beyond words, and reading these most beautiful stories really touched my heart ! What a blessing !

  6. What great stories! You both make me hungry! Hungry for a visit to the ashram!

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