
G.S. Gil with his wife

27 Feb 2010, Mumbai
Sri G.S. Gil, vice-president and managing director of CIDCO the organization that plans and develops India’s major cities.

“When I started my work for CIDCO the plot in Nerul had just been bought for the ashram. Never could have I have dreamt that it would be such a ‘punyam’, a blessing that God created and that will benefit humanitiy.”

“As a city planner I am so impressed by the way Amma delivers: Amma is capable of not only building the houses, but She is also able to give them to those who suffer most. We saw it after the Tsunami: in India the performance of our service-organizations has a decent level, but Amma’s work has a much higher efficiency, much more than a formal organization can have. She really reaches the right kind of people: those who need it.”

“Amma gives this silent message of peace for mankind. It takes a certain stage of maturity to understand those vibes. Amma transmits through the heart and that has to be felt. You have to make the effort to keep it with you. I consider myself lucky to have received Her blessings.”

— Das