1 Jan 2008, Amritapuri

People filled the hall in Amritapuri for the New Year’s Cultural Performance. Amma sat in the middle of the hall facing the stage.  At first, no one expected Her to sing. But after the cultural performances, and satsang, Amma suddenly called for the musicians to come close to Her. A scramble for the tablas and harmonium ensued, and room was made for them to sit. Then it began.

While this was probably the hundredth time Amma has sang Mata Rani in the past year, there was absolutely no sign of it being old. Like a child who never tires of hearing the same bedtime story night after night, Amma sang as if we were hearing it for the first time. And when Amma shouted out ‘Mata Rani Ki…..’ six thousand hands went up in the air accompanied by the resounding ‘Jai!’  Over and over again the hands went up in the air. Amma would occasionally shout out ‘trrrrrrrrrrrrrr’ rolling her tongue. Then Her face would light up with a huge smile and the crowd would shout for joy.

It was a joyous way to start the New Year.

– Sri pati

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  1. I wish I was also there with AMMA in Amritapuri for the New Year celebrations. Yes it is a joyous way of celeberating Happy New Year and and i can imagine the satisfaction and light on everyones face while hearing AMMA’s voice and her bhajan Mata Rani. Also every day, I hear this bhajan on the video at this site and everytime I feel i have heard it for the first time. Oh God when would I hear her bahjans in person? May God fulfill my wish very urgently. This is my innermost desire. I hope that Amma will soon bestow her darshan on me.

  2. It was awesome to be able to see Her face so closely when She was singing!!! At the M.A. Center, we were all clapping along and singing joyfully.
    Mata Rani Ki! Jai!!!!

  3. I so badly wanted to be there for New YEar. Mata Rani is one of my favorite Amma bhajans. I wish I was there. As I sat with my family, watching TV on the New Year, I was imagining what was going on at Amrtiapuri. Probably a huge ‘party’ as I call it. Loud upbeat bhajans, dance performances, Amma embracing her dear children. I wish I was there recieving her Darshan, as she whispers to me, ‘my daughter’.

  4. Mata Rani Ki! Jai!!!!

  5. Amritapureswari Akhilam Madhuram …

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