11 Apr 2010 General

Inspired by Amma

April 11, 2010, Milano, Italy

Even here, Amma inspires us all the time. She is beyond what we can imagine yet her acts of Grace keeps us so enthusiastically happy.

Recently we read that Amma had started a new center for the Differently-Abled. Amma’s vision is not what we can imagine yet her style is what we like very much. Taking inspirations from Her, today, we made a new experiment with our Bhajans. As a Satsang group and as a dedication to Amma, we went to a place for the differently-abled here in Milan. The home had 6 people but hearing that we were coming a couple more had joined from similar places nearby. We thought of Amma and offered our program to the Amma in them all. All of them were so happy to see us there and as we finished a bhajan, they clapped as sign of appreciation. We were reminded of Amma’s program at France or even here at Italy where this would happen at Amma’s Bhajan although in your Indian tradition silence is the best sign of respect and appreciation. Likewise, as they clapped and some even tried singing with us.

As the program ended, they even sang for us, as a dedication to us “Hare Krishna Hare Rama”. We guess they were taught this song but what was adorable was the attitude of giving-back. As we had sung with our eyes closed, they sang their song eyes closed too. In fact they also did some rap music. It was as if Amma was there with us and She wanted us to be joyfully delighted. We came back late evening as usual like our Saturday Satsang but in a spirit of happiness no money can buy. We owe this inspiration of Joy to Amma.


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  1. What a wonderful dedication! Amma was definitely present. A satsang as an offering is an amazing idea. The differently-abled are probably closer to Mother than the rest of us. Ja ma!

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