8 Aug 2010

Every day, with Amma, is so very beautiful. Yesterday was the second day of Darshan after the USA Japan programs. Amma spent long days starting at 11am until 2am the next day spending time with each person who had come.

Yesterday evening turned lively as Amma called in for Amrita University students. Amma’s interaction with her student children is really touching. Amma asked the whole stage to be emptied for her students to sit. Many of the students were new and hence as they sat behind after seeing Amma, they saw her with a new tinge of amazement, their child-like curiosity leading them to tell where they were from and asking the bramhacharins whether Amma does this so regularly.

Amma was so loving asking if they feel comfortable in the campus, do they study well and so on. A boy came to her and showed her the face. The young student had previously prayed in the past that he wanted some beard(facial hair) since it did not grow fast on him. Reminding him the episode, Amma said “Oh you now have hairs on your chin”. The boy said “Amma even that is your Grace!” Amma broke into laughter saying “He says even this is my Grace!”

Then there was another student who came well-dressed with a new shirt. Amma teased saying “Oh you are dressing so well since you want girls to ogle at you. Wait come here.” She started readjusting his shirt. The boy meekly replied “i had that thought previously but not now” referring to the publicity he was getting being in Amma’s presence.

Amma would ask students whether they study enough. She would be happy to hear comments on achievements from her children.

It was around 10pm and Swamiji was singing Bhajans. Beside Amma there was this young boy, Eknath, of 12-14 years from Michigan. He was looking everywhere around in amazement. Amma suddenly turned towards him and asked him in English “”Eknath, Eknath” followed by “are you ok?”. The boy started looking all around to guess where that came from. He then looked at Amma and said “I’m very ok!”. Then Amma asked him “Don’t you want to dance?” It seems during Amma’s tour Eknath would dance whenever he heard Bhajans. Looking at Amma and smiling, Eknath replied “Yes, but i want to dance with YOU”. Amma spontaneously remarked “Endammae”, which in Malayalam closely translates to the shock-surprise remark like in Italian “Mamma Mia”! Everyone around laughed hearing this beautiful conversation.

Lot more of nicer things happened and with Amma this list is endless. The celebration continues. What a Grace indeed!


Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. Please share the lot more nicer things too. thirsting to know more lilas of our Amma !!

  2. Amma has a BIG heart. It always shows:-)

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AshramDiary, WithAmma