Today when Amma came out for Q & A, somebody wanted to clarify a doubt about what Amma said yesterday during bhajans. The question was: “Why is it that Amma has sometimes before said that there should also be reason in devotion, that bhakti should be tempered with jnana, but yesterday She said that there is no reason in devotion?”
Amma replied that we should always look at the context in which She says any given thing. For some people who worship blindly and have the attitude that God resides only in an idol for example, Amma stresses the importance of acquiring some knowledge and discrimination in order to derive the full benefit of their devotion. On the other hand, a person who is firmly established on the spiritual path and has internalized the essential principles should put the intellect aside and open the heart without reason coming to interfere. That it not to say that the intellect is not important, but it just has it´s own place. Like Amma has said, in Love there is only Love. In this context I remember what one master musician used to say when asked how he could create such profoundly beautiful music. He said: “First master your instrument, then study and master the music (theory), after that forget about it all and just play!” How nicely said and how well this could apply to spiritual life also. I feel that Yesterday Amma was clearly calling for our undiluted love – and I might be mistaken but during tonight´s bhajans an avalanche of devotion swelled from the devotees gathered in the hall.