7 Sep 2006 AshramDiary

Two Prayers

I’m a left liberal academic from the USA who never dreamed I would ever be at a school where the day starts with the chanting of prayers, an act that is at the source of intense American political and cultural tension. At Amma’s University, however, the 8:30 AM prayers come from the heart of Sanatana Dharma, the teachings so the Eternal Wisdom. They seem so natural and so obvious a way to begin the day. Two of the prayers are the Shanti mantras that are chanted on Amma’s tours in which we ask to be lead from untruth to truth, from darkness to light, from death to immortality and where we pray for the happiness of all beings. The last prayer of the morning is the one where we express the eternal infinite fullness of creation. Two other prayers are not commonly said on Amma’s tours, but are perfect for a school setting. One goes like this:
Om! Sahanaavavatu Sahanau Bhunaktu Sahaveeryam Karavaavah: |
Thejasvinaa Vadheethamastu Maa Vidvishaa Vahaih: ||
Om! Shaanthih Shaanthih Shaanthih. Om!

May He, the Supreme Lord, protect us both,
The teacher and the student. May He nourish us both.
May our study be thorough and fruitful.
May we not hate each other.
Om ! Peace, Peace, Peace

The other prayer is another call for auspiciousness. It goes:
Om sarveshaam swastir bhavatu
Sarveshaam shantir bhavatu
Sarveshaam poornam bhavatu
Sarveshaam mangalam bhavatu
Auspiciousness (swasti) be unto all; peace (shanti) be unto all;
fullness (poornam) be unto all; auspiciousness (mangalam) be unto all

A bird chirping, a cow mooing, and a lion roaring are so natural and in tune with the universe and so is the chanting of the mantras that begin the day at Amma’s university.

Mukunda Cohn

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