14 jan 2007, amritapuri

it is well past midnight. amma is continuing her marathon meet of hugging people. swamiji is singing in the hall. amma is on the stage. stage is full with her children from all around the world looking at her. suddenly amma turns around throws one piece of candy at one brahmachari who is falling asleep. (name? i wont tell. it wasn’t me.) he might have been working all day and now coming to find some time to sit near amma or to meditate. i dont know.

now, with amusement he looks at amma. the whole stage is focussed on him. amma asks him to stand up. amma shows some exercises and asks him to do.

without hesitance he starts doing each – no1, no2, no3. no4. all the time his eyes are focussed on amma. amma asks him to turn around and do it again on the stage facing over 400 people watching and laughing at him. then he was asked to do jogging!. watching that everybody clapped. amma burst into laughter.


make sure that you are ready to get up when guru wakes you up.

note:  physical exercises help us to get rid of excess tamas,
then there will be more awareness in meditation.


Join the conversation! 5 Comments

  1. Blessed soul to have been woken up by the Mother Herself …

  2. Wow, what a sign of surrender to the Guru!!!
    On the front of this lovely tale it may seem no big thing, but if you put yourself in the Br.’s place as very tired having worked all day long in a physical and mental way and now sitting on the stage with your Most Blessed Guru giving Darshan to thousands as you start nodding off as meditation keeps slipping to sleep; your Blessed Guru wakes you with a ladoo to the third eye and makes you stand up and has you do 4 different exercises and then to your great discredit/credit makes you turn around and face the thousands watching the whole affair and do them again! Most people would have run from the above action. This was a most special Brahmachari indeed and may we all be like him especially when we are tired and way past worn out. Will you do exactly what Blessed Amma tells you to do, exactly when she tells you to do it, in front of thousands?

  3. i feel the lesson has to be put in better words….
    have complete submission at the feet of Guru so that you are ready to be woken up from sleep…..guru can never wake up anyone who pretends to be asleep…..

  4. I would be overjoyed to follow instruction sof AMMA may be to perform in front of whole universe. At that time it would be AMMA and only AMMA in fromt of my eyes like Arjuna could see only eye of sparrow on which he had to aim. I usually get up at 4 am in the morning, it happened twice I was feeling a bit lazy to get up but at that time I heard the voice my spiritual mentor get up don’t be lazy it is time to wake up.

  5. I myself had been asleep during that event, so I missed it. I happened to see the Br. in question the next day, without giving any hint of what had occurred previous night – and of course assuming I had been there, he commented that ‘Amma was especially playful last night….’ There was a very noticeable twinkle in his eye when he spoke, but I didn’t ask him to elaborate. Amma is often playful during darshan, so I just took it as a general comment. Now I know why.

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