Grace through WebCam
Co-incidences are no proof, but coincidences do help us in reminding things.
Amma’s divinity, Her Vishwaroopa, Her Universal Motherhood is dazzling before the eyes of millions the world over today. When She has pervaded every bit of Existence (for one who has an open heart, ie) there is no space left for Her to squeeze in any momentary thrilling event called ‘miracle’. No need, either.
Still, it is Her enormous Grace that She manifests, as cool shade or cool water for a weary traveler in the desert, when She shows Her Grace, in multiple forms.
When Amma was in Chicago, the Devibhava webcast started here in India on the 7-7-2007, at 7 am, and ended at 7-07 pm in India, Amma’s American children were excited at the coincidence Amma brought about. ‘Also note,’ they said, ‘Chicago is a 7-lettered word!’
More was to come.
Gurpoornima celebration at Amritapuri was a revelation of the kind:
That day Amma was in Santiago, giving Devibhava darshan. First time in South America. She was totally with the tens of thousands thronging for Her. Here we started the worship rituals at 3 am, with Homams, followed by the everyday Archana and singing of Ayigiri Nandini….The webcast link came alive; the webcam was showing Amma’s peetham, also waiting for Amma’s arrival.
Here, just as we prostrated before getting up for Arati, the Holy Feet of Sadguru Amma appeared on the screen as She ‘descended’ To Her Feet we did the prostration!…. Amma sat and we could now see Her full form.
Amma promptly started off the pooja. She lit the lamp in our full view, and thanks to Bhavani, Gautam, Do and all our brothers & sisters working for most meticulous castings, there, we could see the lit lamp as if it glowed in our hearts. The lamp Amma lit.
Even as Kali Mata in the sanctum sanctorum was shown Arati, the Homam culminated with the rising of blazing fires followed by Arati, there Amma was performing arati ! Her bells tinkled with the other two bells here! It was soon followed by the tinkling of bells in the Kalari. Arati and its little bells from every side was an exhilaration experience!
So well were we in Amritapuri connected to Her!
The next session was the last few hours of Devibhava darshan, after which Amma spoke to us. Amma was looking at the assortment of WebPages, showing Her children from other than Amritapuri. Japan, Germany, France, San Ramon, AIMS, Ettimadai and many more places were on line. That means, when She showered flowers on the little webcam, all these Her children had received them!
Amma the Universal Mother was connected to many many children.
(Sorry, this is only what is seen by the physical eye. You know ‘connections’ in fact cannot be seen and they are much more than can be counted)
Amma said, “Oh it is like a supermarket before me, a range (variety) of my dear children… I cant choose from…..I love all my children…” and showered Umma-ummma-umama…
Soon She came to the Ultimate Question: “Children, what do you choose: Ego or the Guru?”
All of us know the answer. But would the Guru be happy with our mere knowing?
30 july 2007
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Aum Namah Shivaya
Dear Sandhya,
Thank you so much for posting this message. I felt being there.
I am not able to say anything. Thank you so much.