On hearing Swami Kaivalyanada saying, `If you want to have Viswaroopa darshana, ask Amma’, my mind strolled along these lanes of thoughts: and all these with all the respects due to Gita, Sri Krishna and Arjuna.

Well, is not Amma always in the Vishwaroopa-bhava?

When we watch Her Devi Bhava programs through web casting, there are many things revealed right in front of our eyes. I mean even through a web cast program! Onstage in Chicago for example She is fully with each one of her children in Chicago as much as She is fully with Amritapuri children seeing Her through the little web cam by Her side. Ask anyone participating in Her programs, they say that Amma was fully with her/him. So also with those watching Her on screen. Only if one is not tuned, one can be under Her nose and still not have Her- and that is a different story.

Inside the temple-tent, after a few minutes’ chat the other day Amma was sweetly asking, “Makkale, can I now ascend to Devi Bhava?” Devibhavattil keratte?

Parabrahman Amma had descended to Amma-bhava, chatted silly-nilly things with her siblings. And that was as She was donning Her Pottu and Devi attire- as She said. Her cam was not on then. Now She was going up, to Devi-Bhava.

How many bhavas Amma enters and leaves behind every minute, and all in the demystified open-air! (She said She, unlike other Mahatmas- in seclusion or on elevated seats, was sitting in the market place.) It is for one to see. Even if one is a little curious -not necessarily an aspirant like Arjuna- one can see so much. A half an hour video on Amma giving darshan- let it be anywhere- New York or Ranchi- can reveal so much of Her Viswaroopa. How many kinds of people- men and women, old and young, sick and healthy, successful and failures, stars and upstarts, happy and sad, from so many social, political, down-trodden, well-to-do, mighty-humble, seekers and indulgers alike and from all other non classified areas of life.. go into Her embrace and come out renewed. Come out blessed, happy, and healed. (unlike being consumed, as in Sri Krishna’s case)

I remember Dr. Rajkumar the Kannada matinee idol who has acted in more than 200 films. When one sees the star as Ranadheera Kantheerava the valiant king, at the time of watching the movie the identities of the actor and the role may merge. However after the 2- hour movie ends one knows the two are distinct. One now knows Dr Rajkumar is the one who played the more than 200 roles, sometimes three roles in a movie! Still Dr Raj is above the roles. I use this analogy to make the reader get an idea of what I feel of Amma’s Univerasal Form.

Amma the Parabrahman must be far far beyond the Bhavas that She takes on. She must be millions of times greater than Devibhava, or how could She walk into a bhava of Her choice and get out of it out of Her Sweet and really sweet Will?

If Sri Krishna had to reveal his Universal Form at a point of time for a disciple, well, look at Amma…… revealing Her Universal Form through Her human form, at all times since She smiled first at birth, and for anyone to see with their own given-vision, not a special vision!

Also it does not feel aesthetically good for me to visualize Sri Krishna grow huge and gorge humans & everything….. Never mind my feelings.

Sri Krishna revealed His Pralayantaka Form, though He is the Avatar of Vishnu the Protector. We have here Amma the Primordial Adiparashakti, revealing Her Matru bhava- protector bhava all along. The old time devotees don’t see Her Kali bhava now as She reveals more of the Protectress-bhava, letting love pour out, flow out of her being to every being in the Universe. Truly Vishwamatrutwa swaroopa, not only bhava.

It seems Amma’s brand of Universal Form is too big to be caught in scriptures.

8 july 07

Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. Sir, Which is the web cast you refer to? Is it only in Amritapuri that this is telecasted, or can anybody subscribe to it as well

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