Most of the Brahmacharies from Engineering college faculty as well as other divisions), including me, were busy from morning onwards preparing for the stage-play that we were thinking of enacting in front of our Beloved Amma, on New Year eve.

A day before, I was told that I will be performing the role of a crippled boy. I was all set to shave of my beard when on 31st afternoon, I was told that I will be doing the role of an old man. Thankfully, I had not taken off my beard. Around midnight we performed the play. After the play as I was coming out of the stage, I met someone who said jokingly to me – “So you are going to be old this year!”. I asked him asa to why he was saying that. He said – “In my native place, we usually believe that whatever you do at the beginning of the new year, that determines how you will spend
your full year”.

As I thought about what that person had said, it reminded me of Amma’s teaching – “If only the vigor of the younger generation and the expereinced eyes of the elderly were to combine together, success is sure in any field of life”. I prayed to Amma in my Heart – “Amma, bless all of Your children, so that we are really able to live as per your teachings”.

May the Young and the Elderly go forward, hand in hand, in the New year.

Amit, Amritapuri
31 December 2006

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