Almost two months ago a tiny dying street puppy, landed in our home. For almost two weeks, Angel, as we named him, was taken to the veterinary hospital and treated for insect infested wounds. I never thought he would make it through the bad times, because he was just too tiny to hang on to his dear life. Occasionally we [my sister or my mom] would smear him with Amma’s vibhuti, praying in our hearts for Amma to cure him. Hoping against hope, we were glad when one day dad said; he was on the way to recovery. With those happy words, Angel trotted into our lives and hearts. Needless to say we thanked Amma and wondered at the magical effects of Vibhuti, knowing very well that this was not the first time it had cured someone.

Slowly but surely Angel became the naughty little thing who would nibble at our shoes, soil our clothes with his muddy claws, pee in our home, bark and wake us up at 4.30 am, but whatever he did always filled us with happiness and more love. Since he was the first puppy we interacted with so closely, we got very attached to him. We would make him watch Ammayodapam and Amritavarsham aired on Amrita TV. Suddenly this Saturday, he got run over by an automobile, and died in my hands. It broke everyone’s heart in the family. We are coming to terms with our loss. I truly miss Angel, and I have been crying buckets regretting letting him out my sight that awful terrible Saturday night.

Long time ago I had laughed at my friend for crying oceans when her pet dog of 10 years died of old age. I didn’t mock her on her face, but I found the whole idea outrageously funny ‘Crying for an animal, is so weird’, I told another friend. Insensitive words?? Yeah I know. With Angel coming and going so soon, I guess it was Amma’s way of teaching me to never belittle other’s sorrow and have a compassionate heart for all. Now I know, no matter how small a problem may look to me, for the one who is bearing it, its never too small. I was never a total animal lover but those tiny paws and wagging tail have left an indelible imprint on my mind and personality. This is all Amma’s leela to make me more responsive human being to all the aspects of Nature, no matter what they are.

Amma is all knowing. Even before the thoughts are formed in our minds, Amma knows what our future course of action will be. But by putting my words on her site, I hope my prayers reach her more quickly and there is no ‘network problem’ with her. Amma thank you for sending him to my life. I hope the little Angel now gleefully plays at Amma’s lotus feet wearing a big white halo…I truly hope that little animals’ souls also reach Amma…Do they??

Divya Sharma

Join the conversation! 9 Comments

  1. Thanks for sharing this, it was really good to read about such experiences. And i would like to know about vibhuti: what is it exactly? Though i have heard about it but do not have a clear explanation about it. So, please if someone would make it clear and about its significance.

  2. Yes. Animals do get released from the cycle of birth and death through a Mahatma’s interference. Ramama Maharshi is said to have blessed a cow that way. Probably that cow might have been an advanced soul in its last birth and needed to burn up some remaining prarabthas as an animal.

  3. Thanks for sharing your experience, Divya.

  4. Yes of course dear Divya. Dont worry. Once you pray to Amma, she will take care of your Angel. Even if you dont she will be with him because he is also her child.

  5. Amma treats animals the same as she does humans so I am sure that she helped your diamond through his transition. While Angel may have come to show you how strongly people can feel about their pets, Amma may also have sent him to show you how much happiness you can feel and how much unconditional love you can give. If you believe in reincarnation then you will see Angel again perhaps as a human (if that is a step up ;D)!

  6. very nice and touching story. thanks a lot for sharing…
    i remember another INCIDENT which happened here in vallickkvu. Once one lady came for darshan and told that her chicken had passed away. with great care amma consoled her and wipped her tears. A person standing nearby laughed at this. amma turned back to him and told to leave the stage immediatly. afterwards she called him and told never consider others sorrow to be low. the eggs from that chicken were her only livelyhood and amma knew it. amma knows …

  7. @ manujm:
    by vibhuti I mean the sacred ash which amma gives as prasad when we go for her darshan. The sacred ash is often called bhasm, vibhuti and is smeared across the forehead. When we receive it from a satguru like Amma, its medicinal + spiritual value increases manifold.

  8. Thanks for the explanation , actually i was doubting it to be the same as that of sacred ash given by Ammaji during her darshan . Now , its clear .

  9. By AMMA’s grace, Amma’s vibhuthi can do miracle! Four years ago, my 7 year old son was suffering from chronic eczema on his calfs. For years together,we knocked the doors of many expert and experienced doctors- allopathy,homoeopathy,nature cure and ayurveda- but no doctor was able to cure his eczema. All were of the same openion that the eczema with hereditary base(his father has sensitive skin and grand father had eczema on calfs) would not be cured completely and he must have to bear that skin disease for life long!!
    In Feb.2005, Amma came to our house like a lighting and performed pooja. I preserved that “theertha” (holy water) with love and care(still it is there in our house). After few days,suddenly a remedy came to my mind like ‘intuition’. With sincere prayers to my AMMA, I mixed vibhuthi and theertha and applied that paste to his eczema affected part. Amazing…! Within two days, the sores started to heal and within two weeks, his skin regained its normal tenderness!! I continued it with prayers for one more month. Oh my Amma! my son was cured completely from eczema. Even doctors were surprised but had no answer!!
    That is AMMA..our most beautiful beloved AMMA…Jai MA…

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