After living in the ashram for some years, I have grown accustomed to seeing nature respond mysteriously to Amma. We have all seen beautiful images of snakes on Amma’s head, or the video of the chipmunk running up and down Amma’s arm. When you stay some time at the ashram, you will eventually notice that […]
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to connect? To truly connect with someone, even if it’s someone we’ve just met? On my journey with fellow students from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham to volunteer for the inauguration of Amrita Hospital in Delhi, one person caught my attention. While we were all enjoying, making conversation, […]
14 Aug 2022, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad Amma always tells us that the first quality we need to develop is shraddha, awareness. Shraddha leads us to Bhakti, pure love for God, and Bhakti ultimately leads us to Vishvasa, unshakable faith in our true Self. When we arrived in Faridabad, I was very impressed to see so […]
03 Aug 2022, Amrita Hospital,Faridabad It was the last day of our 4 – day bus pilgrimage and everyone was a little fried. As we entered Delhi, our group of approximately 40 vehicles were drawing quite a bit of attention. Suddenly, I noticed people on the streets waving to us and making pranam gestures. They […]
08 August 2022, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad When Rama decided to build a bridge over the ocean to rescue Sita from Ravana’s clutches, the huge army of monkeys went to work carrying huge rocks for the construction. However, a small squirrel couldn’t carry such loads, so, in order to contribute to it, it rolled around in […]
07 August 2022, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad Arriving at Amma’s hospital in Faridabad was an amazing sight. It was breathtaking to see the enormous grounds that stretched for miles on end. The towering buildings were unlike anything I had imagined and the air was filled with excitement. The hospital still had much work that needed to […]
6 Aug 2022, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad Construction work is going on in full swing at the hospital site. Day and night, people and machines are working tirelessly to make everything perfect before the inauguration. One of the seva is to clean the construction waste: bits of cement blocks and bricks, plastic and cardboard wraps, metal […]
02 August 2022, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad One of the many things I have tried to imbibe from living in India, over the last twenty years, is how to apply the art of relaxation to work. When I used to watch Indians work, I used to be amazed to see how they would work in a […]