I was in Amritapuri for New year’s even and had wonderful Darshan with my parents and my brother’s family. The oldest member of our family my Dad and the youngest, my 2 year old niece both had their first Darshan. Amma was radiating grace as always. Her talk at midnight and the international cultural festival to celebrate the New Year by devotees from around the world was fantastic. I also spoke to the MBA students at Amrita University in Amritapuri on Innovation at Google.

I wound my way through Singapore to Tokyo. And today I went for Satang to the Tokyo MA center led by Bhramachari Shanta Amrita Chaitnya. Many of you know that he has a gift for languages and speaks fluent Japanese and Malayalam and his Sanskrit pronunciation is impeccable. I also met two Japanese women (both sisters) who spoke very little English but knew Malayalam because of their time in Amritapuri.

So in a telling power of globalism I had the surreal experience of sitting on Tatami mats in a Tokyo ashram under Amma’s photos and over dinner speaking in Malayalam to a white swami and two Japanese women!

– Gopi Kallayil

Join the conversation! 5 Comments

  1. i laughed out loud at your recounting of talking malayalam to a white swami and japanese women. i am remembering talking to a hispanic cab driver who took me to amma’s ashram in california, and having him tell me “she speaks my language.” for us mere mortals translation is required.

  2. 😀
    once, durin a b’day celebration, we had the chance to work with the eco-shop in the ashram….i was working with spanish and german ladies… one word, “Amma”, bound us all together and made communication so easy!!!!

  3. As I sat in the Tokyo Ashram in mid February, 2009, during satsang, and heard the three om’s and the 108 names being said in Sanskrit, and a part of Awaken Children read in Japanese, and myself only knowing English, I knew that we were a global family and that no matter where I go, or we go, in this world, we are all one big family and Mother is with us.

  4. Amma’s love is global – it reaches all that lives. Inspired by her, ours must be as well. Please send all the support you can – in any way – to all those in Haiti who are suffering so much from the terrible earthquake.
    Lokah Samasthah Sukhino Bhavanthu

  5. Amma teaches us to smile from our heart. She teaches us Her global language and puts us in opportunities to practice it.

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