19 Aug 2006 AshramDiary

the antidote

Amma arrived for bhajans directly after finishing darshan. She sang many new songs, among them the prayerful English song Everyone in the world:

Everyone in the world should sleep without fear
At least for one night, sleep without fear

Everyone in the world should eat their fill
At least for one day, eat their fill

There should be one day when there is no violence,
No one is injured, no one is harmed

All people young and old should serve the poor
And needy, at least for one day serve selflessly

This is my dream…this is my prayer
Love is the answer, love is the way
Love is the answer, love is the way

This prayer indeed is almost a translation of Amma’s prayer for the whole world that She has voiced on different occasions. It certainly awakens the compassion within. Especially in these times of war and violence, when even women and children are not safe from great atrocities, I feel that Amma’s path of service and love in action are the antidote par excellence.
