Sunset at Amritapuri
Everyone knows that just like snowflakes, no two sunsets are alike. Their inherent beauty and unpredictability are Mother Nature’s gift to humanity – stirring the soul and spirit. But there is something about the sunsets in Amritapuri that lift the soul just a bit higher.
Every evening, between 5:30 and 6pm, I head up to the roof of the ‘S’ flats (the Brahmachari building just behind the stage in the main hall) to do my IAM meditation. Afterwards, I rest in sivasana (corpse pose). Tonight, as I finished, I stood up to find a most spectacular sunset filling the sky with blue, orange, and red pastels. In the main hall below, Amma had just come for bhajans and started singing…..a new song whose uplifting melody reaches deep into my being – as if Amma is taking hold of my heart and bringing it to the state where I can imagine myself feeling what Amma feels when She spontaneously lifts her arms in ecstasy. I wanted it to last forever, but here in India, closer to the equator, the sunsets are shorter. No worries – there is always tomorrow…..
Sri Pati – USA