Towards the end of the Birthday Darshan, Bhavani brought up a computer and small camera to the stage. An internet connection had been established between Amritapuri and Amma’s Ashram in San Ramon, California .

With Amma’s Grace, I was almost right next to Her on the stage and was able to see the entire interaction. It was the second time I was present to witness Amma communicating via the internet – the first was in Boston, USA, during the summer tour where a connection had been established back to Amritapuri for the Ashramites to watch Devi Bhava.

What Grace! My heart opened up so much just watching Amma interact with her children in California. She showered so much love on them. I was close enough to see some of the faces on the screen – many of whom I know personally from having been to San Ramon so many times for Amma’s programs there. I was so happy for them. I could practically feel their joy as Amma blew kisses at the screen and waved at them and then watched as they all waved back.

Even though I have been in Amritapuri since August, and was pratcially right next to Amma on stage, part of me wanted to be in San Ramon to be on the receiving end of that message and that kiss. For those who have been away from Her physically, for those whose hearts ache for just a brief glimpse of Her, the hour or so must have been so blissful, so sweet. I’m sure many tears were shed after that experience. I am grateful for having been able to witness that, and to experience at least a part of such deep inner joy felt by my brothers and sisters in San Ramon.

Om Amriteshwariyai Namah
Sri Pati – USA
28 September 2006

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