waiting to see and talk
As usual, when Amma leaves Amritapuri, it feels like a desert – as if it
has not rained for years. This time too after Amma has left for Europe
tour, everything feels lifeless here. But Our all compassionate Mother
showers us with rains of pure Love without making us suffer too much. our
Amma, feels our plight before even we ourselves can feel it.
It all started a few months back when Amma went for U.S. tour. Amma
arranged for the live webcast from there so that Her children in Amritapuri can atleast get a glimpse of Her. Thanks to Internet.
Today Amma again asked for the live video of the Devi Bhava to be webcasted from Europe, to Amritapuri.
We were anxiously waiting for Amma to come on screen. At around 10:15 pm
She came. As She sat She waved at all of us (the camera was on Her right
side). After Satsang, Amma saw us all. We all shouted loudly – AMMMMMAAAAAA !
Then Amma said something very touching before Devi Bhava started. She said
“Usually we find on an airport that a father is waiting for son, or son is
waiting for father, or wife is waiting for husband…there is so much
anxiety…as if they are in some other world. Amma felt the same way while
waiting to see and talk to Her children at Amritapuri today”.
Mother had once again showered the rains of Love on her deserted children.
9 oct 06
Amit, Amritapuri