17 Dec 2007 AshramDiary


16 December 2007, Amritapuri
Amma left for the North Kerala tour last night. While I will, of course, miss seeing her, her energy permeates every grain of sand and particle of air in the ashram so on another level I don’t feel like she is gone.

As I do on every trip here, I have been reflecting on the importance of my coming to Amritapuri each year. Nearly twenty years ago Malidoma wrote in OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT that he returns to Africa each year to learn from his elders and to detox from Western civilization. I related to that statement then and I relate to it now.

When in Amma’s presence our negative vasanas always surface so that we can be aware of and work on them. I see that as detoxification. Even sweating from the heat is detoxification in my mind. I find after a few days here I eat way less than in the west which results in less utilization of earth’s resources and is healing and restful for my body.

Living here has an important impact on my life in the west. Staying in one room with few belongings reminds me of the importance of simplicity. I return to the west and look for things I can give away. 
Living here reminds me of the importance of not wasting. I return to the west and look for ways to decrease trash and food wastage. 
This year I will even be able to look at waste with the eyes of one who can see what can be transformed into beautiful woven objects. I return to the west with a renewed appreciation of what can be accomplished when many hands work together with plans for new work parties already in my mind.

I always return from my India home with appreciation for the strengths of both the West and the East, a renewed commitment to simplicity, feeling detoxed in mind and body and filled with Amma’s love, ready for living another year in my Seattle home.

Karuna,  U.S.A.

Join the conversation! 3 Comments

  1. This is a very inspiring reflection. It serves as a signpost for all to use the strengths of East and West for the greater good. Thank you.

  2. Great Perspective!

  3. examplary internalisation

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