Was Amma just here?

16 December 2007, Amritapuri
Amma had just arrived only Sunday – and now She has left again for 10 days. For the past 6 days, it has been crazy. On Wednesday and Thursday, Amma gave darshan from 10:30 am to just after Midnight. Over 14 hours each day. So many International Visitors.  Almost overnight, the number of Intenational vistors zoomed from just under 100 to close to 700. The Canteen has been so crowded. Only two weeks back, the Ashram was quiet.  You could hear a pin drop on the other side of the main hall in the middle of the day…

Now that Amma is gone on tour again, the peace and quiet has returned to the Ashram.  It’s is eerily strange.  There are fewer visitors in the canteen. The lines are shorter. The Brahmacharis are back on the stage singing bhajans. The Brahmacharinis are in the Temple. The two main bells rang again during each Arati.

Was Amma just here?

– Sri Pati

Join the conversation! 6 Comments

  1. I smile in Wonder, for, Oh brother Sri Pati, look deep within, for, your Blessed Amma is always here and there and virtually present in everything at all times. Feel it deep, deep inside for it is verily True.

  2. Thank you, Chetang voor reminding me. Amma is always with me and with everybody who carries Her in his or her heart.

  3. Dear ChetanG,
    Of course Amma is inside! The story is referencing the absence of Chaos that exists when She is here in the physical form.

  4. OM Namashivaya

  5. sorry to intervene, brother sripati is trying to say there is chaos when Amma is at ashram which I cant agree.What Amma is trying to teach all of us is, to attain inner peace and calmness.Once that is gained no amount of external chaos can bother anybody.

  6. namah sivayah all. In retrospect, I should have worded my blog posting more clearly. The story is completely about the external environment that one experiences at the Ashram. During the Europe Tour, it was very peaceful and quiet. As more and more people began arriving in the week before Amma came, the change became quite dramatic and happened quite quickly and it was very noisy and chaotic – especially in the canteen, the seva desk, the international office, etc…. When Amma left shortly after, part of that external quiet and calmness returned (for the most part) and reminded me of how it had been just two weeks earlier. Amma (and the noise and chaos) came and went so fast, I almost wondered whether it had happened at all…

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